The staff at Medi have completely changed my life. ?In 14weeks I have learned how to eat like a normal person again. ?I can cook a nutritional meal for my family and feel good about it. ? I have lost a total of 12 inches from my waist and 26 pounds. ?More importantly than that I enjoy food again and I have hope that I can eat things that I like and they will be good for me. ?I would so much rather have an apple with peanut butter than cookie cake now! ?That is saying something! ?The ?way I ate before was irresponsible. ?I deserved better and so did my children. ?Portion control, moderation, and variety are the things the staff at Medi have taught me and will stay with me the rest of my life. ?I practice them everyday and am teaching it to my family. ?This to me is not a diet and never has been. ?It is a life change. It is my new life plan. ?Thanks Medi!