Please do your research before hiring this company to perform any work you need. Ensure that the first time you have a complaint with them, that you document it. Get all names of individual you spoke with and if possible, times. This will help you keep track of all the complaints to come. You must check them every step of the way, to ensure that you are getting what you are paying for. I had so many problems with this company, they are to many to name. My problems started from day one, when they were about to install my deck with the wrong color wood; and it just went down hill from there. Go with your instinct! I sinced something was wrong the day of the sales pitch, but did not go with it. It was pouring down rain and the power went off. The only light we had was from what was coming through my patio door. It was an OMEN, and I regret not following it. I do not have enough characters to list up to 4 months of hell this company put me through. Their customer service is horrendous. You have to constantly call for them to correct a problem. When you leave a message, you have to hope and pray for a return call. Additionally, when you do get someone on the phone, they state the problem will be addressed. This is all smoke and mirrors from them, to draw the problem out. You have to keep calling and keep calling, to get assistance. This was quite frustrating. They may claim to be an A+ company, but that is all it is, a claim.