Be very careful if you step into this bar...I became friends with the Bartender at the time (JACQUE). She was working one night when I went in. She offered shot for shot to get me f*cked up. Before I even got F*cked up, I gave her my car keys and told her to call me a cab at the end of the night. I would be back tomorrow to get my car. She took my keys, gave me drinks..more drinks...then I was F*Cked up! Before I knew what was happening, she started a fight with me...had a MAN patron push me around ( even to the floor). Threw my car keys back at me and shoved me out the door with the assistance from her friend (man). Locked the door and called the COPS on me. I had no other choice but to drive, I thought i was going to have this man kick my a**! I did nothing wrong. I thought she was my friend. The COPS followed me all the way to my residence. When I stepped out of the car, they locked my A** up!
I now have a DUI on my record. Have to pay thousands of dollars.
Pros: Absolutely Nothing
Cons: The bartender: JACQUE