Still paying for the plumbing that was to be unclogged and never getting a full week of clean pipe, even told him where the snake stopped in the sewage line, Stephen McCann talked me out of it saying it would probably cost me 500 dollars to go that route and only 300 (actually it started lower than that) if it ended up being under the house, well he plumbed a bunch of pipes that I didn't need, and only cleaned out where the problem was, which never was fixed, ended up charging close to 500 dollars anyways. I was so embarrassed and ashamed at how badly I was conned, and my husband is angry at me for being so stupid and my neighbors are laughing at me because I'm so stupid and got scammed so bad, and to top it off McCann claimed to be a Christian, while trying to charge me more to Just come out to look at it again. with all of his many years of experience he knew I was correct at where the clog was, but I got talked into a bunch of plumbing that I didn't need, only to have to call him back so he could get more money, that I don't have because I'm low income. Well if he is so Christian than why does he leave a woman left with a mess after him being paid soo much money to fix it. This will be probably taken down, as all other web pages with this business on it the reviews are shut off so no one can warn others. I can't even take a shower or wash the dishes or even use the bathroom. I am so fed up with the cheating quality of service in these parts. You make Christians, God and WV look really bad.