If you are trying to get rid of your Pain and have someone show you how to keep it from coming back, we are the right chiropractor for you. So many people get treatments to relieve their pain. Then the pain comes back. We the show you how to prevent the pain from coming back again. Whether it be golfing, bowling, playing with your kids, working in the yard, we will show you how to get rid of your back pain. We offer exercise programs, spinal decompression for disc problems, massage therapy for tight muscles, nutritional counseling, as well as coaching you on healthy "tips". Each patient is Different. For this reason, we tailor a specific plan of action to meet your needs, goals & unique medical and physical condition. Our view is each patient is different and has special needs based on "their life, their job and their stress". So we tailor each patients care to what they need. We listen to your problems and come up with the best way to get you pain free as soon as possible.