McHenry Garden Center provides a full range of quality landscape construction and maintenance services to all of the Northwest Suburbs. We're a full-service landscape maintenance, design and installation company. McHenry Garden Center has provided more than 10 years of high-quality service to McHenry, Lake and Cook counties, as well as surrounding areas.
Our services include:
• Landscape design and installation
• Paver brick and natural stone patios and drives
• Retaining and seat walls, fire pits
• Full-service landscape maintenance
• Licensed fertilizer applicators
• Fully trained personnel
• Residential and commercial snow services
Irrigation Guys is a subsidiary of McHenry Garden Center, specializing in the design and installation of new residential and commercial lawn sprinkler systems. We offer competitive rates on spring start ups and winter shut downs for existing systems, as well as state-mandated backflow testing. Our certified technicians are available to diagnose, repair and upgrade your system for maximum performance and coverage.
Our services include complete design and installation from permit to completion, drip systems for landscape trees, shrubs and seasonal pots, and landscape lighting to enhance the beauty of your home.
Call us today for a free estimate on all of your landscaping and irrigation needs!. Aerators|Commercial|Commercial Accounts|Contract Rates|Delivery|Drainage Solutions|Driplines|Driveways|Emergency Services|Estimates|Fire Pits|Fountains|Gardeners|Industrial|Irrigation|Landscaping|Natural Stone|Online Services|Onsite Services|Outdoor Kitchens|Patios|Phone Orders|References|Residential|Retaining Walls|Same Day Services|Service Calls|Service Contracts|Sidewalks|Testimonials|Volume Prices|Wireless Rain Sensors|Wireless Remotes