Dr. Alan Mauser is a podiatrist who has been in practice in the Louisville area since 1985. With office locations in Louisville and Carrollton, he has been treating foot disorders from the common to the complex. Dr. Sarah Voelkel Has recently joined the staff of LouisvillePodiatry. She is a graduate of the Kentucky Podiatric Resicency Program at Norton Audubon Hospital, Louisville. She has expertise in all aspects of foot and ankle problems and surgery. Podiatric medicine is a unique branch of medicine that deals with the medical and surgical management of the foot and its related disorders. Podiatry is one of the earliest medical professions having evolved from the days of Chiropody to the well-trained, highly respected Podiatrist. After undergraduate college, Podiatrists must complete a four-year program of study at one of the accredited colleges of Podiatric Medicine. Many are selected to participate in residency programs in order to enhance their diagnostic and surgical skills. Podiatrists are educated in such areas as: Orthopedics, Dermatology, Radiology and Surgery as they relate to the foot. Many Podiatrists offer specialization in such fields as Sports Medicine, Geriatrics and Pediatrics. We specialize in the medical and surgical treatment of foot and ankle conditions, such as: Athlete's Foot Arthritis (Joint Pain) Bunions Calluses Diabetic Conditions Flat Feet Fractures Gout Heel Pain/Spurs Ingrown Toenails Neuromas Orthotics Sports Injuries Warts