Nestled in the heart of Kihei is where you will find the Maui Quilt Shop. We are packed full of fabric and samples to entice you to OOH and AHH. Tucked in various nooks and crannies are the notions, patterns, books, yarns, knick knacks and tropical quilt kits that we make ourselves. A haven for any quilter and fabric lover! Look for the Kihei Post Office or Radio Shack on South Kihei Road. We are on the Makai side/ocean side of the Azeka Shooping Center Seasonal Sunday Hours. Kihei, HI. Quilts,Quilting Supplies-island-style & Tropical Quilt Kits & Patterns,Traditional & Contemporary Hawaiian Quilt Patterns,Quilting Materials,Quilting Classes,Fabric Shops-Hawaiian,Asian & Batik Fabrics,Sewing Supplies,Specialty Yarns,Notions,Handcrafted Gifts