Massage Therapist Olympia, Washington.
Massage for stress relief is a healthy way to feel better, faster. Stress Relief Solutions offers advanced massage therapy for stressed and tired muscles. Our massage clinic is a relaxing and quiet environment. We're located in the Black Hills Medical Park off Yauger Way in Olympia, WA.
Who is Clyde McDade, LMT, CNMT?
Clyde McDade is a Certified Neuromuscular Therapist and Licensed Massage Therapist. He has twenty years of relaxation and injury treatment massage experience. He works with all types of clients.
Massage for Injury Treatment in Olympia, WA
Clyde McDade is a Certified Neuromuscular Therapist. He has advanced training in stress reduction and massaging injured muscles. Massage treatment is available for the following causes of muscular injuries and other causes not listed here.
Chronic Muscular Stress
Tension Headaches
Back and Shoulder Pain
TMJD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)
Low-Back Pain
Head, Neck, and Facial Pain...