I actually had someone recommend it to me and I just had to try it. The owner was there working with one other waitress. She was actually very nice, friendly as could be and very pleasant service. I think she talked to us the whole time we were eating just about. I felt bad for her - hearing her life story and actually left a tip.
A lot of comfort food was listed on the menu so me and my daughter both went for ordering comfort food. The prices were from days gone by. I could not complain about the prices.
When she sat us down seats were ripped. We sat in a kind of booth table. There was dust on the ledges. The coffee cups had dirt around the rims from not being scrubbed when cleaned as did some of the dishes and some silverware was dirty.
The kitchen did not look a heck of a lot cleaner. A part of me wanted to walk out but for some reason I could not bring myself to do so.
We got our food and all I can say is - no seasoning, no taste. I dont cook with salt alot but I season mine good and it tastes good. I felt like I was eating at the hospital - I was able to understand why I always saw seniors eating there - either it was her company or that they needed to eat the food that way for digestion reasons. She has also had a help wanted sign in the window for ages so maybe just maybe that is part of the problem.
I almost want to tell her - hey you could have a great thing going here with just a few little changes. A good cleaning and a little seasoning and things would pick up and it would be a good place to eat as she really was a darling lady to listen too.