The product is good. A lot of hard work obviously goes into it. However, after witnessing both the complete disregard to family and free time for the drivers of this company by Ms. Mary herself I do not recommend this product. After seeing the sweatshop style arrangements for the making of these candles, coupled with the minimum wage income of it's employees I would not recommend this product. Due to Ms. Mary's utter lack of respect to her own employees I have witnessed on several occasions I am not surprise at the accusations of rudeness, these employees have learned it honestly. This is a good product built on hard work, and only one person reaps the benefits. Ms. Mary, everyone else is worked to death and treated like trash.
Pros: Great product, need good family business in this rural area.
Cons: Not good family business, just a smug opprotunist family sucking up all the availible money in our area.