Marthas Consignment shop carries a variety of goods! From kids and adult, gently used and new clothing, to jewelry, childrens toys, knick-knacks, Rada kitchen knives, utensils, and dishware, to pocket knives, and much more! Looking for something specific, please give us a call to see if we have it! we offer different kinds of monthly sales. Also there is a 25% discount to Vets and there families, active or not, that is offered on most of the store stuff, but now, that offer is being extended to include all law inforcement personal, first responders, and fire fighters, along with there families as well. Come check us out to see if we have something you like. Kids and Adult new and gently used clothing,shoes,jewelry,knick-knacks,figurines,kitchen knives,utensils,other kitchen dishware,toys,pocket knives,etc.