Marsh's Carpet is really laid back and easy, and the staff is knowledgeable. They supply me with hardwood and carpet. It is just a different experience than going to a box store; at a box store I can never talk to the same person twice.
Their employees are very knowledgeable and will educate their customers. I have learned a lot as far as types of wood flooring and what applications are the best. Also, no matter when it is you can talk to the same person you saw before.
Their installers have also been working there anywhere from 15 to 30 years, which is really uncommon in today's world. This company has been able to keep the same guys.
What is great about Marsh's Carpet is that you can walk in today, buy today, and have it installed as early as tomorrow. It will be done by licensed professionals that have a long history with the company. I first started using Marsh's 25 years ago, and some of the installers had been there before that.