Marshall Medical Wound Healing Center offers many specialized therapies to help heal quickly. Learn about your treatment options. Contact us today!
For most people the body naturally heals when it has a wound. But for those who have difficulty healing, specialized treatment may be required.Non-healing wounds can occur for many reasons, including diabetes or other chronic disease, poor circulation, nutritional status, or age and body size. The Marshall Wound Healing Center offers comprehensive wound healing for the treatment of complex sores and wounds that will not heal. Our wound healing team is comprised of physicians and certified clinical staff committed to healing complicated wounds using state-of-the-art treatment options and advanced technologies, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO).. We Offer Treatments For Many Types Of WoundsBrown Recluse Spider BitesChronic OsteomyelitisCrush InjuriesDiabetic WoundsFirst & Second Degree BurnsGangreneGeneral Problem WoundsNon-Healing IncisionsPressure UlcersRadionecrosis / OsteoradionecrosisTrauma WoundsWounds Due to Poor CirculationDiagnosis and TreatmentOur physicians and staff use one or more of the following diagnostic treatment options to tailor a program just for you:Laboratory evaluationVascular studiesNuclear medicineRadiology examsSkin or tissue graftingMedications and dressings to enhance wound healingPhysical therapyHyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO)DialysisNutritional managementTranscutaneous oximetryDiabetes education