Dr. Marshall has been extremely helpful in helping me cope with my many health issues over the last ten years. She is both Western and Eastern trained. How many physicians from either discipline can say that? With a background as a Dr. of Pharmacy, she knows Western meds. For me, she has been excellent in eliminating alergies, back and neck aches, tooth aches, treating lymphedema issues and various other weaknesses and pains. She helped me when Western medicine could not. For the last nine years, she has greatly helped to keep me healthy through stage 4 cancer while undergoing Western treatments in chemo, radiation, radical surgeries, and all their many nasty side effects. Her treratments have helped me to stay peacefully strong mentally, physically, and emotionally. I have always been able to eat while doing my chemos. I have been able to greatly reduce Western supplements against nausea that have their own ugly side effects. Scars and related surgery scar tissue has been reduced and smoothed out from her treatments. Radiation burns were cared for more effectively than what Western medicine could offer me. She uses many techniques in addition to needles such as tiny magnets in the ears, Qi Gong, and is always seeking to learn and offer helpful new tools to benefit her patients. I always feel she has my best interest at heart because she works so hard to study and learn the best ideas in treating her patients. She cares so much to be the best for her patients. She has greatly reduced and eliminated unnecessary suffering for me so quickly and easily. Her Eastern work blends with Western medicine so powerfully. Do not hesitate to call her.
Pros: I am a healthy surviving cancer patient due greatly to her
Cons: She isn't appreciated enough in the Western Med World