Mars is a grocery store in my area. You would not think of a grocery store as a place to get mark downs. However, this grocery store does carry special holiday only merchandise. Mars will start low though, with the mark down. They will start at twenty five percent. The only good thing is they will sell candy starting at fifty percent off. If there is a bag of hershey bars that have any type of holiday design on them they will be half price. I usually pick up a few bags of M & M's here cheap. You can also get pumpkin pies on clearance as well as fruit cakes. Some of the fruit cakes Mars handles are good. If you are looking for a fruit cake perhaps you should make your first stop Mars. This location is relatively new and has a nice parking lot with lots of parking. The sales people here are great. They usually have enough cashiers on duty so you don't have to do a lot of waiting with your order. They even have a person out side the store to help you get your groceries to your car. They are paid employees so you don't have to pay them to help you.