Marin Rands may be book smart enough to actually obtain a degree but that is where her intellect stops. I transferred to her at 15 weeks pregnant from a different ob that stopped being covered by my ins. She apparently could not find my intake question form before my appointment so just assumed I had never before been seen for prenatal care. She made me wait for over three hours because she said she wanted me to have an ultrasound. Never once did she think to just ask me a few simple questions?! Then to top that off when I did finally see her after the ultrasound and I explained I had been receiving care prior as well as numerous previous ultrasounds she made me wait another 40 mins while she tried to figure out who was responsible for the breakdown of communication! She answered none of my questions, measured my belly as an afterthought and was just concerned with me booking my next appointment in a month. She advised me once she reviewed my file she would call me by noon the following day to make sure I was current on all of my labs. She never called!