Attorney Joseph T. Margrabia, Jr., was born and raised in New Jersey and continues to live and work in New Jersey. Mr. Margrabia has been an attorney since 1986. He was first admitted to practice in Pennsylvania and opened his law practice in Philadelphia in 1986. When charged with any crime you need an experienced lawyer. I have represented 100's of defendants charged with crimes and or traffic violations. Many criminal charges and traffic violations carry stiff penalties, if you're found guilty. In the majority of cases, as a result of good lawyering and negotiation, I have been able to have criminal charges and traffic violations reduced or downgraded to lesser offences thereby reducing the penalties, fines, and the points on your driver's license. During his years practicing in Philadelphia, he successfully represented hundreds of bankruptcy clients in his private practice. By invitation of the Honorable Judge Scholl, a then bankruptcy judge in Philadelphia, Mr. Margrabia became a volunteer attorney for the Consumer Bankruptcy Assistance Project, a Philadelphia based legal services organization dedicated to helping poor people file for bankruptcy without charge, where he helped numerous indigent people file for bankruptcy. When you are faced with problems concerning overwhelming debt, bankruptcy, criminal charges, divorce, support or custody, being evicted, wanting to evict a tenant, needing a deed to convey property, needing a Will, Power of Attorney, Advanced Health Care Directive, or probating an estate, call us first! We are proud to be designated by federal law as a "Debt relief agency. We help people file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code."