This restaurant insists that all tips be turned in to management. They do not distribute the tips to the employees; but, rather, do they insist that the tips go toward providing an annual Xmas party for employees with open bar....naturallly, and quite rightly, prohibited to the many emplyees under 21. How wonderful, a Xmas party for the employees paid for by themselves with their hard earned money. Kids and family people who need every penny they earn, especially the tips because heaven knows they are not paid well. Good old Jimmy Buffet and his boats and his possessions and his restaurants. If you want to tip someone in one of these restaurants hand the cash to the employee and do so in front of management and tell them that if they take you are very well going to ask IRS to investigate what they do with the money. They certainly don't put it all into the Xmas party.
Pros: Interesting and very courteous help
Cons: Your tips never, ever go to the help.