The Maple Valley Library is a great juxtaposition to the Central Library downtown. It holds true to the area in which it is located. The parking lot is more like a campground than a parking lot. The tree cover is full, and does a great job of bringing peace to those visiting it.
There is a really cool pond that recycles water from the downspouts during the rainy season. The water cascades out of the spouts and down a waterfall into a man made pond. Gorgeous to look at, and peaceful as well.
Inside, they are very well appointed with child sized computer stations, adult sized ones, free wifi, tables with recessed power, a toddler book section, a teen book section, a music section, and on and on and on.
The Guild that supports the library sponsors many fine events and is high quality. The staff are incredibly friendly and very knowledgeable.
It may not be as big as the Covington Library, but it holds its own very well.