This place is not for the poor elderly people I will not trust not even my dog to be there, the heath care personnel is rude, sarcastic, and mistreat the people that are paying them, they drug the poor elderly person so they don't have to take care of them, give them the wrong medicines, don't feed the poor people but they tell the relatives that the person eat everything in the plate, when the person can't even feed it self, this person can't pick a paper because can't move the hands, feet and verily swallow the liquid food, is more the patient can't even eat solid food and they state that the poor patient finish everything in the plate, the place smells bad, and if the patient is sick they live the patient there and no medical attention is given until the relatives
insists for the patient to see a doctor, and then the personnel calls the ambulance and gives the report that a mad man need attention.