The United Methodist Church of Mantua, is a lively, mid-sized church in Gloucester County, NJ -- a stone's throw away from the exciting inner city life of Philadelphia to the west and the sublime peach orchards of Harrison Township to the east. \r
Spirited/spiritual worship based on biblical principles, a variety of programs for all ages, solid Christian education and youth programs, good music, and opportunities to grow spiritually through study and community action, are just a few of the things visitors find. \r
There are three choirs to accommodate the younger set (Cherub Choir), older elementary (Junior Choir) and everybody else who's older (Senior Choir). \r
Worship styles vary at Mantua UMC. The 9:15 service is Traditional, and the 11:10 service is Contemporary, featuring a joyful praise band and team-teaching of the message, including full media support. Future plans include adding drama, liturgical dance, and colorful worship settings. \r
They are a church of just over 360 members with an average attendance of 222. Their Christian education program provides Sunday School classes for everyone from age two through adult (five adult classes). Ample off-street parking, fully accessible to persons with handicapping conditions, and air-conditioned. The primary focus is developing disciples for Christ. A genuine, warm greeting awaits you. \r
Pros: Centrally located, ample parking.