This nursing home was abysmal. It is severely understaffed. Because of this, patients receive poor care. Administrators and senior staff promise one standard of care and provide quite another. \r
Patients are routinely ignored. "Call buttons" are rung to no avail.\r
It is not uncommon for patients to have to wait more than an hour after asking for help to the bathroom etc. Paitents wearing "Depends" or some such other disposable undergarment are left to wear them 12 hours per day or more. \r
Patients are rarely interacted with. For those who have no family or friends visiting, this results in a very lonely life. \r
The only Doctor on staff is indifferent and untrustworthy. My family was promised a number of interventions -- none of which were ultimately provided. \r
I would not wish this place on anyone; much less a loved one.