Testimonial by: Stephenie Lawton
As a professional dancer, I always scheduled a weekly massage on my day off. I knew how beneficial it was, and I gave it top priority in my budget. Once I transitioned into teaching dance and yoga, my income wasn't as high as it had been when I was touring with Broadway shows. To save money, I cut out the bodywork.
Recently I began waking up during the night with my muscles aching. My legs, hips and back felt knotted from perimenopause and the Russian ballet classes that I teach. I tried hot baths, saunas, yoga and working with the foam roller. But at 46 years old, I resigned myself to feeling older and stiffer.
After just one massage with Joan I experienced immediate relief! My body felt like I was in my twenties again! My muscles relaxed, my spine readjusted, and I regained a sense of optimism and enthusiasm. I decided to go once a week. I now I feel motivated have regained my old "can do" attitude, and I am bursting with enthusiasm to organize, clear clutter, and attack projects that I had been avoiding.
You can't put a price on the results of such an excellent massage. You only get one body, and taking care of it holistically is far more enjoyable than going to doctors and hospitals. Joan is thorough, dedicated, reliable, and extremely talented. Her bodywork is top of the line; her studio impeccable. It is my weekly luxurious treat so that I can dance forever!
Stephenie Lawton
Former Rockette and understudy to Juliet Prowse
Ballet and Yoga studio owner
Features Writer for Dancer Magazine