Tammy Harmon, patient advocate for MaineGeneral Medical Center is a fat ugly disgusting pig. She supports rape of female psychiatric patients through degrading strip searches in front of male security guards and police, forced drugging and restraints. She is nasty. She doesn't know how to wash her own ass. Only a nigger would want her, and she married one just to prove it. She has no college education, is uncultured and dumb. She got her "degree" from a diploma mill. Tammy Harmon does absolutely nothing to enforce patient rights and believes this treatment to be ok. Because "patient safety" comes first. She worries more about attending her PowWows and sautéing her pork than her job. She suffers from eating addiction and low self esteem. She does not believe in the U.S. constitution, which has become nothing more than a sheet of toilet paper for corporate entities and their attorneys to wipe their ass with.
Females are told by police and hospital security to disrobe, with the door open in full view of medical staff, and patients. They are told if they refuse, they will be forcibly stripped. They are threatened with physical force and then either restrained or forcibly medicated. What do you think this does to a victim of sexual abuse or trauma? Memebers of the community in the Emergency Room for illnesses or ailments have reported seeing females strip searched by security guards with hospital room doors open They allow security cameras to capture this and keep it on record for years to come, for security guards and medical staff to watch, over and over again to satisfy their sickness.
Maine General has no respect for the dignity of any patient, and it disgusts me to think about how many patients, especially females, have been violated in the name of "safety".
A hospital policy requiring automatic disrobement solely on the basis that a patient has a psychiatric diagnosis or is seeking psychiatric treatment is clinically unjustified, discriminatory and illegal.