Coming from a big city, I find there is nothing to do here, but, I do find it alot cheaper place to live than where i did live and the crime rate is alot lower than a big city. As for going out and doing things, if you don't drink, there's nothing to do except go to Wal-Mart and walk around...too mant bars/clubs here. Nothing for non-drinkers! Pruett street is nothing but flea markets and they call that *down town*, I find that funny still, after being here 8 1/2 years. But, to each his/her own I guess. The new movie theather is VERY nice. Chilies is too high for this area. We need a better variety of grocery stores besides Hayes or Wal-Mart. We have PLENTY of Pharmacy's. Florists, well, to tell the truth, I don't know b/c I never recieve flowers :( . Banks, wow do we have those!
Pros: cost of living here is cheaper than most places
Cons: nothing much to do here unless you drink or go to bars.