I have ate at Main Street since it has opened up and the service has got so bad I refuse to eat there again. They put stuff on the menus and then when their business got going good decided to change but did not change the menus they just started charging more without notice. Also the servings the last few times a baby could eat it. Also I like for them to deliver alot because I am jsut up the street from them and when I call on a Saturday they have no one to deliver. They need to stop delivering if it is only when convenient to them because I have a busy life and when I need it delivered I need it delivered not when they have someone in there. Also one time when I went in there the waitress was very rude. I refuse tog o back to this place because like so many other places when the business picks up they start slacking and this is one of them. I hope and pray Mountain Side will open back soon because the only reason this new place is doing like they are is because the owner workered for mountain side and learned every thing from them adn that should tell people what type of person she really is.