Clinical Excellence Compassionate and Respectful Health Care, Professionalism and a Commitment To Our Community. Here at Panther Physical Therapy a variety of modalities that may be utilized include moist heat and ice, phototherapy/cold laser, iontophoresis, ultrasound and electric muscle stimulation. Specific manual therapy techniques performed include soft tissue mobilization, myofascial techniques, joint mobilization and trigger point release. We also use therapeutic exercises to increase strength, range of motion and endurance to improve your specific condition.
Orthopedic Surgery Rehabilitation , Sports Injuries and Sport Specific Rehabilitation, Work Related Injuries, motor Vehicle Accidents, Arthritis, Specific Manual Techniques, Total Joint Replacements, TMJ, Headaches, Low Back Pain and Sciatica, Neck Pain, Joint Pain Involving: Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist/Hand, Hip, Knee and Foot/Ankle