Gayle Magnuson always has the best auctions. She acquires the nicest estates and her auctions are always well-attended. I really enjoy her spring/fall special auctions that she has at Small Memorial Park. There is always a HUGE selection of eclectic merchandise and lots of treasures at super prices. Everything is well-organized and clean for the most part. I was first introduced to Gayle by a friend who frequents auctions. Since then, Gayle has always been super friendly to me. We even went through a BAD storm once. She was auctioning an estate outside and a freak storm came through. She was the epitome of class, even when soaking wet, and we retreated inside when it started raining cats-and-dogs! When it was all done raining, we went back outside and she started again just like it never rained. Now that's an auctioneer! If I ever needed an estate auctioned and wanted someone trustworthy, I'd call her!