Madrid Middle School has the most ineffiective staff. I have seen very good teachers whom cares about students. There are some teachers who are absolutely crazy such as this Eng teacher, her name is Ms. But. She is just like most of the bad students in the school who constantly stirs up problems and creates drama among the staff and the administrators. The adminstrative staff such as the principals and the counselor are mostly interested in their own benefits. They do not care about the students but their pay checks and free times of themselves. How to achieve their own interests is absolutely the only thing they care. The only counselor there is by far the most laziest staff I've ever seen. He does not produce work, does not provide proper counseling for the students nor does he carry himself with a professional demeanor. His boss is just like him and support his laziness and unprofessionalism by all means. One good thing about this school is those teachers who truly cares about the students however never receive proper supports from the administrators. Afterall, who is the victim of this group of losers. The poor HIspanic students who already having tons of social and family problems.