Family owned and operated. We offer free delivers to hosiptals and Funeral Homes in the county. We also have the largest gift shop around. Madisonville Petals and Gifts specializes in custom floral creations for all occasions and provides free delivery of flowers or gifts within Madisonville city limits (there is a delivery fee elsewhere). We also carry vast types and amounts of home silk and cemetery silk. The gift selection that is available is unique and of great quality, from home decor' to wooden monograms to collectibles and figurines. Some of our most popular lines of products are Vera Bradley, Willow Tree, Jim Shore, and Precious Moments. We carry Kameleon Jewelry, Gingersnaps Jewelry, Treska jewelry & handbags as well! MPG offers Tuxedo and Suit rentals or purchases (with free fittings) as an authorized Jim's Formal Wear retail location. We also cater for at-home or on-site events (weddings, banquets, etc.) or for holiday decorating. We take pride in offering excellent customer service and are constantly striving to serve our community to our upmost ability at every opportunity that we have. Stop in and visit us, we'd love to meet you!