I made a massage appt Friday afternoon for 11am Sat morning but then found out I had to work Sat morning so I went in early so I could still make the 11am appt. When I finished working I new I was going to be late so I called to inform them that I would be 12-15 min late, a "Michael" said "no problem, come on in". 5 min later I could see it was going to be hard to even get there 15 min late and called in again. I asked the same man if I could re-schedule & he said "no, it's less than 24 hrs so I couldn't" I said fine and hung up, considering the conversation was over as I had asked him to re-schedule & he said no. After a stressful, hurried ride I got there just 12 min late and went inside to find the door to their business locked. I knocked several times for 2-3 minutes with no ans. I could see a coat inside the office so thinking the person had gone to the restroom I waited. 5 min later I knocked a couple more times then walked out to my car to call again. This "Michael" guy answered again and said he thought I CANCELED, so he texted the person my appt was with that I canceled! I told him I never canceled as he had said they wouldn't do it within 24 hrs, which I thought was ironic since I had just made the appt the afternoon before. Just then a person from inside the bldg. came out & asked me if I was the person that was knocking. I said yes & she said she had rcv'd a text that I had cancelled. I told her I never cancelled, she said it was too late as it was now 25 min after the hour. While talking to her I could hear the man on my cell was screaming into the phone. Since I was already talking to the person who was working there I hung up my phone. I told her that I never cancelled the appt & she said it was too late & she was cancelling my apt because I was too late and she could see I was now upset!? I left. A couple of minutes later I rcv'd a text from this Michael guy who said he called the cops and was going to have ME banned from Living Social, oh yeah he threw in some profanity to show how tough he was.