Good: NOTHING. Bad: The service is terrible, the people are some of the rudest I've ever been incontact with (they have this attitude like they are better than you), they screw you out of your money, they are very unorganized and old fashioned, and the don't even get me started on that family....... Improvements: They need to have a better phone system worked out in case you need to get ahold of them......I had a pawn in there and wanted to make sure they still had it before I drove all the way down there and I could never get anything but a busy signal. I literally called over 50 times and I never got anything but a busy signal. Ever.. Other: Unfortunately, I have been trading with Mack and Dave's for years and they have NEVER given me good service (if it weren't the only place I could go to get my instruments worked on I would NOT go there.) Not only did they lose the one and only pawn I gave them, they refused to re-emburse me and they tried to say it was my fault because I had waited so long to come get it (it was in pawn for 14 days and their pawn period is 30 days.) I would rather drive 1 1/2 hours out of my way than do business there.......