I had a terrible experience here. I was referred by a friend to go see him for braces because he charges extremely low for dental care. For upper and lower full braces, he charged 2000 dollars when orthodontists can charge up to 8000 dollars for a case. He is NOT A CERTIFIED ORTHODONTIST, but when general dentists do put on braces, the California Dental Board holds the dentist to perform at a specialist's level.
I went in for consultation, and with only bitewing x-rays (mostly only used to diagnose dental decay) he placed brackets on me at the same visit, cursed in korean to his mother bc the bracket were not sticking to my teeth. I'm no dentist, but by the first month, i could tell that my arch was starting to look crooked and funny so I went for a second consultation from an orthodontist and restarted the treatment paying a normal fee. I learned my lesson never to bargain for health care.
Besides his poor chair side manners, I'm sure many of his patients can file an accusation to the dental board for mal practice. He did not take cephalographs (usual x ray used to treatment plan placing braces) and did not even take a mold of my teeth. He certainly performed below the standard of care that dentists provide. The community should be protected against someone who practices extremely poor dentistry, and I encourage any of you who have had bad experience to report him to the dental board, here is the link to more info if you need it: www.dbc.ca.gov/consumers/index.shtml