Got in and out on time! They did such a great paint job. Very good
All reviews seem positive
No One Repairs & Paints More Cars Than Maaco!
MAACO is America's body shop, with close to 500 body shop locations across the continent. We provide auto paint and auto body repair services for over 12,000 vehicles a week, 600,000 a year, more than any other company in North America. The 16.5 million vehicles we've repaired since 1972 could create a traffic jam 15 lanes wide from New York all the way to Los Angeles.. Auto Painting Total car painting featuring Spot and Overall Painting,High Quality Economy Services,Advanced Basecoat/Clearcoats,Oven Baked Finish,Quick Turnaround,Coast to Coast Warranty Collision Repairs Specializing in Driveable Accidents,Bumper Repair,Out-of-Pocket Pay,Lease Turn-Backs and Repairs for 1/3 less . Conventional body shops charge thousands of dollars for repainting an entire vehicle. At Maaco,millions of North America's smartest car owners have regained a durable,new-like appearance for just a few hundred dollars. When it comes to collisions,Maaco repairs average up to 33% less than dealerships and other body shops. Our bodywork is guaranteed for the life of your car with a warranty honored at all 500 Maaco stores. Whether you want to economically restore your older vehicle's original appearance,touch up your leased vehicle's finish or return your damaged newer car to showroom condition,we have the perfect repair and pricing options.
Auto painting and bodywork since 1972. Precise color matching and formulation; can recreate factory look in classic and late-model vehicles.