Visit 1: A test was done on the vehicle and we were charged $80 for it. As well $90 oil change was performed. Over the next week several lights inside of the vehicle turned on. We found a large volume of oil in our driveway. We returned the car to him. See Visit 2.
Visit 2: Allen (the owner) admitted that the oil change was faulty. Allen stated that the oil filter was at fault. As well, Allen performed $300 in tests to figure out why the 'check engine' light was coming on - some of the same tests he performed the first visit. When our debit card was declined we asked if we could write a check - he said 'Make it out to cash.'
The Next Evening - Car stopped running while driving home from work. Check engine light came on again. Had to spend $80 to tow it to the dealership (at this point we no longer trusted Allen or his competency with this vehicle). Spent $450 to replace the fuel filter - and do even more tests.
Follow up visit to discuss: Went in to Allen to request my money back as the services we paid for he performed badly. Laid out the bill of the costs that we had to cover to manage the process. Allen offered $229 as a refund for his botched services, said take it or leave and said to sign a release form. When we said that wasn't fair and I showed him the below list of items that we felt he owned us Allen immediately called me a schmuck, told me to take him to court and raised his voice. One of his employees called the police on me. Cops came and said there was nothing to do.
$80 Original incorrectly read scan.
$95 - oil change refund that Allen admitted to screwing up.
$275 - three scans which were run because Allen's oil change screwed up our car and because Allen couldn't figure out what was wrong.
$80 - Price we had to pay for the car towing.
$105 - Four hours of our time that we had to waste going back to Allen's shop in three different visits.
We are currently deciding how to proceed with small claims as Allen refused to refund us our money in the police officer's presence.