Despite what the Stephen W. said below. My sister went to MTI Business College for medical courses and was able to purchase her own medical outfit in prints or colors. They do not make you purchase one color and make you all look alike and you can use these outifts after graduation for placement and employers. She also had difficulties during school and they offered a Student Assistance Fund, if qualified for financial aid, to assist in expenses during school. Because of these difficulties she had to take additional time past her original end date; any student can go up to 150% of the normal time and not be charged any additional monies. My mother was shocked they did this since she had attended other schools in the area and was charged everytime she had to repeat or take more time. After hearing from a friend attending MTI how they treated students and was happy with going there.....well, the rest was history. They have small classes, they give prices over the phone if you just