Seriously. I pride myself on maintaining and fixing assorted computer problems, but when the sh** hits the fan, Al at MT Computers is the only place I go to. Example: my computer was hit with several particularly nasty worms and Trojans last year, making it impossible to run properly. I was helpless without my computer (my livelihood!) and MT Computers fixed it. And they made sure all my work was safe. In fact, they are known to uncover long-gone files that you *think* are gone, but are really only hiding in the bowels of your hard drive.
I like MT Computers so much that all our computers (4 in total) all come from MT and were all built by Al. The oldest one - 5 years - had an upgrade last year and is running perfectly.
So if you need help with your computer or are even considering tossing the damn thing out and starting over, give them a call. I've yet to give them a problem they can't fix.