I had him come clean my carpet as the complex i live in uses him for the carpets they need done, so i figured what the hey, he is probably good. Well he left my carpet WET, it stayed wet from 12 (when he came) till after 9 that night, and i had the heat on, fresh air coming in to help dry. It didn't smell good so i doubt he used soap. He forced me to leave, i took my dog on a short walk right around the complex and NOT EVEN 10 MINUTES LATER HE WAS GETTING INTO HE VEHICALE AND LEAVING....(Yes i DID TIME HIM) And he charged me over 200 bucks, for the 10 minutes he was here, that includes set up and take down. The guy was not professional...
For the lack of good smell, high outrageous price ( i have a 830 sq. foot apt), and leaving my carpet wet i would not recommend him to ANYONE!!!! GO WITH A BIG COMPANY THAT IS REPUTABLE!! And save yourself the money.
I have also watched when he has come to clena other units, and he hasn't stayed much longer then when he did mine ( 10-15 AT MOST)