To all McM Clients Past and Present,
It is with great regret that I have to inform you that my doors are officially closed. The 31st of October would have been our 20th anniversary but sadly, I am unable to continue. I have anguished greatly for many years to overcome the hardships of the last five years, and alas, I was unsuccessful.
I have worked 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, I have not brought home a check to my family for months, and nothing substantial prior to that. In the end it simply was not enough.
For those of you who are wondering what happened, I will explain it to the best of my ability.
Maurice, my business partner, passed away April 2005 after fighting a losing battle to cancer less than 4 months after we embarked on a massive expansion and purchase of our new building.
In 2006 and 2007 we attempted to reassign my role as field supervisor and production manager to several other employees. Unfortunately, that turned out be an experiment that failed miserably.
In 2008 we were continually robbed by 2 employees, who were swiftly terminated when caught. They in turn began to picket the business, claiming that McM owed them money. That matter to this day has still not been resolved and we have defended ourselves at great expense.
2009 was the infamous CT Carpentry fiasco. MCM completed a 500 square foot roof that we put $40,000 of our own money into and were not paid for. The job resulted in a total loss of over $100,000.00 dollars. We could not afford to even pursue the money in court because we simply could not afford the lawyers. The choices were buy materials and pay the help or pay the lawyers. We of course chose to do the right thing and complete the project for the sake of the customer.
In 2008 and 2010, with the economic decline, we could not locate banks to finance projects for customers, leading to rejections on credit apps and an all around crash of large scale projects. There was millions of dollars in cancellations I could not overcome.
I have put everything I have ever had into saving McM and it was still not enough! To add insult to injury, Thursday, 8/5/10, I was robbed yet again by two other employees of every nail gun, compressor and an assortment of other hand tools. At this point, I cannot even cut a 2x4.
I do not even have the ability to finish the projects I have already started.
I am in financial ruin and will be personally on the hook for a long time.
I am deeply sorry for the pain that our demise has caused your families and am tirelessly working to help get coverage for your projects.
I am including the information to recover the funds that you had entrusted to McM Restoration Corp.
With Great Regret,
Patrick M. McAneeny
HIC License #0610201
The only coward is the one who would blindly bash un named from behind a dirty computer, a good family who served this country as a army ranger and this beloved comunity for just short of 2 decades, who has done 100's of hours of community service, and thousands of projects. You sir are the coward!!!