The TRUTH About Sleep Apnea
• Sleep Apnea affects 70 million people in the U.S.
• It's a leading contributor of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
• It's a leading contributor to industrial accidents.
• It can stop your breathing hundreds of times a night.
Now there's hope for people suffering from the effects of sleepless nights - the new MCH Sleep Center, a state-of-the-art facility that is fully dedicated to the study and treatment of sleeping disorders.
A sleep study, also known as a polysomnogram, is a diagnostic procedure that monitors sleep and breathing patterns while you are at rest. The studies are conducted during an overnight outpatient stay in our hotel-style sleep center using sensors that are gently applied to the skin. These sensors will record brain waves, eye movements, heart rate, oxygen levels, and muscle movements - all of which will help to determine the quality of your sleep and the extent of any sleep-related issues that may be present.
A Board Certified Sleep Physician will review your sleep study once it is completed and the results will be reported to your Primary Care Physician for follow-up.
The most common sleep disorder that is evaluated at the center is Sleep Apnea or sleep disordered breathing. Other types of sleep disorders assessed are periodic leg movement syndrome (PLMS), restless leg syndrome (RLS), Rapid Eye Movement (REM) behavior disorder, sleep terrors, and teeth grinding or clenching (also known as Bruxism).
The most common treatment for Sleep Apnea or sleep disordered breathing is the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine, also known as a CPAP. This machine provides the most effective treatment for these conditions. CPAP uses a prescribed amount of pressurized air to prevent the collapse of your airway during sleep. When properly set, the CPAP can promote restful sleep by eliminating snoring and sleep disordered breathing.
The CPAP is one of many treatment options available. Other treatments may include medications to control muscle movement, surgery to correct abnormalities in the anatomy, and oxygen for improved sleep hygiene. Your physician will discuss these options with you if so prescribed.. If you experience any of these symptoms,you could benefit from a thorough sleep study.
• Loud snoring
• Daytime sleepiness
• Difficulty staying awake when sitting still or watching TV
• Difficulty concentrating
• Pauses in breathing during sleep
• Gasping or choking during sleep
• Feeling tired after a full night's sleep
• Waking up with shortness of breath,chest pain,or dry throat
• High blood pressure
• Depression
• Short-term memory loss or trouble concentrating
• Frequent leg jerks during sleep