I found Gerard on Craigslist. He was so pleasant on the phone and provided prompt service in hooking up my electrical for my coming hot tub. when the hot tub was delivered, the spa guy practically laughed when he saw the hookup. He told me it was an a/c hookup, not up to code and actually quite dangerous. I called Gerard, who was supposed to come to my house later that day to finish the hook up, left him the message of what I was told and he NEVER called me back. Not once. Not to say ""I'm sorry"", or ""what can i do to make this up?"" Nothing. I called him several more times, emailed him twice; no response. If you're looking for a hot tub hook up, seek a QUALIFIED electrician. he might be great for every other type of hookup; but, with this type of ethics, you're taking a chance.
Pros: Pleasant on the phone
Cons: didn't complete the job and ignored my calls