True story: After spending LOTS of $ buying flooring from these vultures, I showed up to take delivery and what they brought out was a pallet of BROKEN and DAMAGED flooring and told me this is what I had paid full price for! When I refused to take it, they told me to open up the damaged boxes and sort out the broken stuff from the good stuff! When I refused, they became angry and said I would have to wait for the next shipment. I asked to speak to the manager, they brought out some dufus who I later learned was NOT the manager at all. Lies, lies, and more lies from these crooks and cowards!\r
These guys are NOT TO BE TRUSTED. If you read this and then do business at Lumber Liquidators, you deserve what you get. Think about the worst used car salesman you ever tried to do business with, mash that person with the devil and every pathological liar you've ever known, multiply by a hundred... and you've got Lumber Liquidators!\r