Lucky Dale was my pawpaw he was a great person and even though he is not with us anymore we still have all his respected business going on. He was a great chimney sweep. His business called Lucky Dales Chimney Sweeps is very good. We arre a registered business all the peoplein our business is registered except my mom (his daughter) Daisy but shes working on that. Lucky Dale also has many records. He has more than a million all of which you can buy. He has every type of record you may wont. He also has about a million dollars invensted in antiques which are also now being put on the market. He was also a decon of our local church i have been going to my whole life called Mt. Zion Babtist Church in Trenton. South Carolina. He was a real great person. He has a Madam Alexander Doll made after him. He was not perfect but in my heart he was as close as will ever get. I miss him so much.