Loveland Health Care Center is a full-service nursing care and rehabilitation therapies provider. It offers a variety of health care, assisted living and related services. The center provides physical, occupational and speech therapies, as well as hospice care, psychiatric and psychological consultation, and dental, podiatry and optical services. In addition, Loveland Health Care Center offers recreational and therapeutic activities, including special events, outings and religious services. The center's medical services include laboratory tests, X-rays, cardiograms, infusion therapy, internal feedings, tracheotomy care and wound care. It is located in Loveland, Ohio.. Activities|Clinical Laboratories|Dental|Dietary|Extended Care|Housekeeping|Long-Term Care|Mental Health|Nursing Home Care|Nursing Services|Occupational Therapy|Personal Care|Pharmacy|Physical Therapy|Physician|Podiatry|Skilled Nursing Care|Social Work|Speech Pathology|Vocational