I'm a 61 year old woman. I recently visited this place with my sister and her grandkids. The worst experience I've ever had!
!) The place is run by real old and grouchy people. They have no patience with the children and are not sweet to them at all!
2) They have a real bad and boring puppet show that bored the kids to death 2 minutes after it started.
3) The mean old guy that guided the parking area wouldn't listen to my niece that we needed to park in the handicapped area. We ignored him and parked where we needed to, not where he told us. When we were ready to leave, OUR TIRE WAS COMPLETELY FLAT! We asked him for help, and he said he didn't have time.
Two senior ladies, an overweight 35 yr. old mother and a 2 and 5 yr. old hungrt children. HE WOULDN'T HELP US! When we finally found help and took the tire to be fixed they told us that there was nothing wrong with the tire, that someone had just let the air out! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
4) And to top it off!!!!! We went on a hay ride that sent me straight to the hospital with cervical issues!!!
THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN GOOD FOR A HALLOWEEN PRANK!!! But don't go any other time of the year. It's a scary place! P.S. I have proof of everything. The parking area guy's picture. My poor daughter trying to change the tire by herself, AND, my hospital bill !! Any lawyers out there?