My feedback will regard my emotions on my experience but ill keep it short but simple.
If you have done research you will know that laser hair removal is NOT permanant so you think to youself, "what's the point if it grows back." Well, you get the benefit of not having noticeable hair for 4-6 weeks until your up for your next session (if you have any more) and you have the chance of it growing back finer and lighter.
Not in my case! As an African American and Filipino with high hormones I have thick course hair. Decided to purchase a groupon, 6 sessions for $119. Great deal but not really. I'm up for my last session and to be quite honest, I will be heading to Ideal Image particularly due to their lifetime warranty.
They did mention I can purchase their lifetime also but I'll take my business else where only because literally all 5 sessions I have had someone different treat me.
In my opinion not a good idea just because its like going to a family doctor, you would want the same person to know your concerns and more about you (which I will address with Ideal).
And my facial hair has not changed one bit! In fact, I've frown more due to there suggestion of shaving inbetween sessions!! Good grief!
My other concerns are the equipment. Not sure if the equipment is appropriate for my skin type or is updated.
Oh forgot to mention, after my first session I had to present my face with uneven sideburns. What an embarrassment! Haha.
Well, hope this helps a little. Whether its more info on the precedure orcomplaints and how you can do better.