Having been on the other side of the camera (Discovery Channel's "Amazing Tails") Lori has an empathetic advantage when it comes to understanding her subjects. Her extensive education and training in animal behavior coupled with superb mentoring in photography (Harold Feinstein; Tony Passera) provide her with a combination of talents rarely found today in commercial and pet portrait photographers.
Lori works in the NY tri-state area, and specializes in dog and cat photography as well as botanicals. She produces canvas pet portraits, calendars, greeting cards, and has been published in multi-media arenas.. Clients have described her pet photography portraits as "innocent","soulful","clever","timeless","playful" and sometimes,"surprisingly humorous".
* Todan Ltd. (Calendars)
* New York Graphic Society (posters)
* Lawson Falle (Greeting cards)
* Dave Grossman (Giftware)