After an accident, you must focus on physical and emotional recovery. Dealing with other parts of the aftermath including any battles with insurance companies for the compensation you deserve simply does not support that recovery. At the law firm of Locke Meredith, Sean Fagan & Corey Orgeron, APLC, we know your ordeal can be overwhelming, and we can help. When someone's negligent or reckless actions change your life, you should not have to take on added financial risk and worry to get the money you deserve. Relieving those burdens to the greatest possible extent, as soon as possible, is the mission of our Baton Rouge personal injury lawyers. Contact our law firm today for a free initial consultation. We have won sizable verdicts and settlements for victims of car accidents, as well as trucking andmotorcycle accidents on greater Baton Rouge area roadways. We pursue maximum compensation on behalf of workers injured in our factories and on construction sites, and people hurt or killed offshore on the Mississippi River, Lake Ponchartrain, and the gulf. We hold manufacturers responsible for defective products. Led by widely respected, 25 years attorney Locke Meredith whom you may know from television's Legal Lines and coverage of our cases in the news we have handled wrongful death litigation and advocacy for victims of the most severe types of personal injury, such as: Brain damage and injuries due to head traumaBurn injuries incurred in fires, explosionsSpinal, neck and back injuriesImmediate and long-term consequences of chemical exposureWhiplash and other overlooked car accident injuries Our dedicated legal team is united in considering it an honor and privilege to serve individuals and families in need. We are professional in appearance, approach and performance but we also bring passion and empathy into each case. Our reputation for integrity, and relationships with quality medical experts and investiga. We are experienced in cases involving: • Overlooked Car Accident Injuries,Tragic events that cause wrongful death,Victims of brain damage and brain injuries,as well as severe spinal,neck and back injuries,and other overlooked car accident injuries • Burn injuries due to home fires,industrial explosions,and other catastrophes • Car accidents,motorcycle crashes,and other auto accidents,including crashes caused by drunk driving Roadway accidents involving 18-wheelers and other commercial trucks Injury or illness due to chemical exposure • Maritime,boating or other offshore accidents • Accidents on the job at construction site or manufacturing plant,often enabling pursuit of action beyond workers' compensation claim • Helicopter crashes • Cases involving dangerous products,including defective work equipment • Appeals of valid but denied Social Security Disability claims • Disputes with insurance companies,including those in which denial or delay of your claim may constitute bad faith