Liz Monjauze productions puts on plays for children up to the age of 17. We came across her completely by accident and she has been one of the most positive influences in my daughters’ and her best (male) friends lives. They have become more effervescent when they speak and more able to express themselves. Doing these workshops with Liza (which also provide dance classes too if you’re interested) has awakened my child into the concept of believing in herself. She’s also been exposed to a different type of child through these plays, not just children who are watching TV or playing video games, but kids who are excited, positive and fun to be around. I can honestly say that it’s Liza love for musicals and the children that gives them their drive to perform and have lots of fun at the same time. Liza and her sister Molly have also made a positive impact on me, the mom, because they both are so loving and so positive that they have taught me more verbal skills to help me communicate lovingly to my child.
If you ever felt this was a possibility for your kids, I can not say enough positive things.
Please check out her website for more information or to be put on their mailing list you can call 310 656 9424